Final Exam

Important: Please note that we do not use your quiz scores to determine your eligibility for a completion letter or to measure your success in meeting the objectives of this course. Our assessment of your performance in this course will rely exclusively on your final exam score. In order to obtain the highest possible score on the final exam, we strongly recommend that you make sure you have taken and passed every quiz. We also recommend that you print and review a copy of the final exam before you actually take the exam.

Please review your selections before submitting. You may only submit your final exam answers once. In order to qualify for the Completion Letter, you'll need to successfully complete the final exam with a score of 65% or higher. Within 1-2 minutes, you will receive an evaluation of your answers.

  1. How are PHP extensions defined in the PHP preprocessor?

  2. What does the mysql_connect() PHP function do?

  3. What PHP feature allows you to save shopping cart items for individual visitors in a temporary location that keeps the information for the duration of the Web site visit?

  4. In the statement foreach($states as $first=>$second), which variable will hold the array key?

  5. How do you reference a function defined in an external file in a PHP program?

  6. Which PHP GD2 library function allows us to easily resize existing images?

  7. What data type allows you to specify an exact number of decimal places for a number in the data field?

  8. What advanced feature in MySQL allows you to restrict the values placed in a data field?

  9. How is a view created?

  10. What is the common term for a Web page that's separate from the normal application home page and provides administrative functions for the application?

  11. What PHP function allows you to send HTTP headers to the client browser?

  12. What is the area on a Web page that provides quick information about the status of the application called?

  13. What function should you use to prepare data before inserting it into a MySQL table?

  14. What HTML input type should you use to allow a Web page visitor to upload a file from their PC?

  15. What PHP feature should you use to retrieve the name of the uploaded file from an HTML form?

  16. What HTML tag should you use to display an image stored in a MySQL database?

  17. What HTML input type allows you to easily display an on/off value for indicating the value of data that's in a Boolean data type?

  18. What SQL statement should you use to remove a record from the database?

  19. What function is commonly associated with the storefront application?

  20. Which printf() function special code displays a floating point value with a fixed number of decimal places?

  21. What PHP feature allows you to assign multiple keys to a single session cookie key?

  22. What array format would you use to track product as the array key and the quantity as the value?

  23. What PHP configuration parameter do you use to set a session cookie to expire before the client's Web browser closes?

  24. What's the best technique to use to prevent having inventory problems while online customers shop?

  25. Which MySQL function should you use to encrypt data stored in a table?

  26. What does the Web server send to a client browser to encrypt data?

  27. Which MySQL function should you use to retrieve the last auto_increment value assigned during the database connection?

  28. Which MySQL InnoDB database engine feature allows you to process multiple SQL statements as a single unit?

  29. What SQL statement allows you to change the attributes or constraints of an existing data field in a table?

  30. What is the way to suppress any error messages from a PHP function and continue processing the program?

  31. Which regular expression symbol do you use to match a pattern at the start of a string?

  32. What SQL clause returns records that match the linking data field between two tables?

  33. What HTTP header type do you use to set the application used to open data on the client's browser?

  34. What OOP feature holds data values used for the class object?

  35. Which visibility keyword causes a class property to be only accessible inside the class definition code?

  36. What is the process of creating a new class by extending an existing class called?